Saturday, February 20, 2016

TESCO continued...supermarket coffee adventure - part 3b

Guatemala by MK Cafe, which brew works for you?

Soon after getting home from work a wonderful idea hits my mind. How about some coffee? Perfect timing I would say. Not too late to save me from staying up all night and looking at the stars. I find 6-7 pm a great time for a cup of joe. Hm, what kind of coffee should I have then?
I recently got a pack of Guatemala by MK Cafe. The front side of it says 'Advised by baristas'. Bold statement it is, so let's see how it turns out.


I'm in the mood for an aeropress coffee. It just seems a really good option when you need enough coffee for yourself only. My son helps me grind 12 grams of beans. He finds the grinding process cool. I help him grind by putting my hand over his and in a minute we are ready to brew.
The unpacked coffee smells and looks like it is intended more for espresso than filter methods. Yet, I don't own a machine, and the pack doesn't really specify the roast or preferable brew method, so we'll just go on and improvise.
I get more of a chocolaty aroma from the beans rather than flowery or fruity notes. That might be pointing to a dark roast even though it doesn't look super dark to me. Anyway, I heat up the kettle, pour some 85 C water into the aeropress and a cup to warm them up a bit. It takes about 3-4 minutes to make coffee (more detailed posts on the brew methods come later).
Well, I will put it this way, the result isn't bad. I got more questions than answers though. Seems like this particular coffee is on the edge between dark and light roast. I would have to get back to it with a different temperature and other brewing tools  like v60 by Hario brand, Chemex, french press to see if there is more to it. Actually, after it cooled down quite a bit, it tasted better. My guess is it might be really great as espresso.


I decided to make some of this Guatemala in a Chemex. 89C, 30 gr of beans, 500 ml of water.
Ok, this does taste better than the aeropress one. Smooth, rich, slightly bitter. Great for those who love strong, dark roasted coffee. Yet lacking other possible flavours I am sure Guatemala beans could have.

At this point I looked at the coffee pack again and guess what I found on it? Yep, espresso marking. Oh my, so embarrassing. Well, it was fun brewing espresso roast with alternative methods). You know what, many of us have been doing it for years, never realising it is not meant for other equipment but espresso machine! And that does make a big difference in taste. How many people have espresso machines at home? Maybe 50%, less, more? Not everybody for sure. How do they find suitable coffee for themselves then? Or they are destined to drink the instant one only?

If you never went deep into coffee, this might be a good time to read couple blogs or articles to answer some of the questions you probably have. Like 'how do I find coffee that actually tastes good' or 'is boiling water right for coffee making?'. Do not stay disappointed with coffee, there is so much good stuff out there!

So now I need to search even harder to find the right roast of MK Cafe to be fair to this brand. We'll see, maybe I can find it here in Warsaw. Or buy an espresso machine to enjoy this very kind I've been playing with. To sum it up, don't be afraid to improvise and try new stuff, it might turn out a fun adventure!

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