Thursday, February 11, 2016

Passion is everything

Once a barista told me, 'I don't really like coffee or drink it'. I stood speechless for a minute or two. Is that at all possible? I guess it is. I appreciate his sincerity, yet that info was too hard to digest or accept. Have you come across coffee shops that seem 'to have no soul'? There is coffee, there are people making it and those buying it. The business is running. Yet something is missing in the picture still. Why don't I have the desire to stay here longer or come again? My soul rejects places without a passion.

Don't you love when barista is crazy about coffee? Even if they are busy like bees, they find a sec to say, 'Today we have this stuff, you gonna like it' or 'We just roasted this new bag a couple days ago and it is worth trying'...

I understand it takes time to learn about various aspects of coffee business. The more I read the more I realize I am in my first year still. But who cares how much you know when you love to talk about it, drink it till late at night and experiment with roast, taste, grind, milk whatever.

I actually know several coffee shops that have both passion and neglect for coffee. Either the investor is a fan and barista isn't, or one shift of baristas is and another is not. I guess there might be more options here. Maybe for some it is just business, nothing else. Or just a drink, no more. Yet, for a shop to be really successful, I bet it has to have a passion for what it offers. How else would someone convert you to coffee unless they loooove it?

in a supermarket

At times I buy too much coffee and just don't have the time to try it all. It gets old and I either have to give some away or double the drinking, or throw the old stuff away. I know it is bad. I try to stay calm when i see/hear about new coffee brand or new farm in some exotic land. I want it all, I want it now. Might regret buying some of it later, but who cares, I got the experience.

New equipment to work with coffee is invented pretty often. I want it too. I should probably get a second job to afford it))). That's who I am. And I'm looking for places that resonate with my soul. Appreciation for coffee as something great, a passion for getting the most out of the bean and a service that gives me good memories of both coffee and the shop.
Follow me and let's explore. I hope my search is contagious enough so that you give coffee another chance.

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