Thursday, February 25, 2016

PIOTR&PAWEL supermarket coffee adventure - part 5

Slimming, ice and green coffee

Welcome to a fancy little grocery store called 'Piotr i Paweł'. When hypermarkets are crowded with shoppers, this shop is never like that. The interior is well thought through so that you feel good inside and your shopping is a pleasure, not routine. We would often stop by here to get couple things during the weekdays.
 slimming coffee
What i was totally not ready for, was the slimming coffee! Finally, my struggle on whether exercise or not has been solved. Just have another cup of coffee, bro. You'll be looking tight today. Seriously, I have no idea how this concept works. Tell me if you do. How is it different from slimming tea, I wonder?
 Privat Kaffe

 MK Cafe

Two of the already familiar brands from my current adventure have their place here too. More than that, MK Cafe even has a roast suitable for both espresso and "polish style" (simply put grinded coffee into the cup and pour hot water on it). I fought with the temptation to buy it and test if it is actually so. Gotta drink up the coffee I have bought already! eventually I did buy it. Excited to give it a try now! Among other coffees, Thcibo Prvat Kaffe is represented by three good looking and promising bags. Two of those I had the privilege to brew. Quite decent stuff, I must say.
Krüger brand has got Ice Coffee Latte to offer. It did get my mind wondering. How do you make it? I am not big on coffee with milk. Yet I know many of us are. Would you be interested on how to make this? I remember having cold coffee drinks in US but making those at home would be quite an adventure. I'm getting some training on brewing cappuccino soon, then I'll play with this concept I guess.

 Dolce Gusto
Nescafe and Tchibo didn't forget about the owners of espresso machines with capsules. Here is some tasty sounding and looking stuff for you. Latte macchiato title prevailing. Even being a black coffee lover, at times I would be in the mood for some milk and even syrup in my coffee. Mmm, now I want that machine too. My coffee set is not full without it.

Piotr i Paweł is a nice store and has a good choice of coffee. Maybe more of popular coffee rather than premium or specialty. However, if you drink coffee often or have a big family, dealing with one 250 gr bag in 2-3 days (while coffee still has the aroma) shouldn't be a problem.

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