Monday, May 2, 2016


Classic Italian espresso and a cool porch for smokers

I've passed by this bakery more than once. To my mind, Chmielna Street in Warsaw, Poland is The place to go for a drink or food. This time my fam made it to Vincent. Fresh bread and its varieties always smell amazing. No wonder the door was kept open.
First half of the place is very inviting. Big vase with lilies, a stand with plenty of pastry, croissants, even open sandwiches and a glass of red wine. I was lucky I had just eaten. Otherwise, my credit card would be in serious trouble. Tall tables with bar chairs could be a good spot to sit and watch the walking street but not for a family with a small kid, so we went deeper in.
Does anything stand out in this picture for you? Outdoor furniture used inside looks a bit strange. Anyway, I did like the table which was a combination of wood and metal. I know where these chairs along with chaise-longues fit real well. Smokers porch! I totally see myself there relaxing with a cup of coffee and a...oh, I don't smoke anymore. However, that armour style coffee table is real cool. And the patio is so quiet, simply perfect to sit back and think about life.
Espresso macchiato and a cappuccino on double espresso proved Vincent to favour classic Italian coffee. It is bitter and must go with sugar. Actually many people prefer this kind of coffee. Not me, but that is my problem). Cappuccino's milk foam lost shape a bit too quickly but cream cheese dessert with fruit saved the day! It is now the very thing I am coming back for. And croissants, of course.
Overall impression is a positive confusion. Vincent Bakery welcomes you in by bakery products, surprises by strange decor solutions, yet makes you a fan by one thing you like there. By the quantity of newspapers on the press stand and visitors present inside on a holiday when 3/4 of the city are on all kind of resorts, I can tell this place is never empty. Check for yourself what makes you a fan.

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