Monday, May 16, 2016

RELAX #2 - feels like home

Happy people brew coffee that makes you fly

Have you heard of Third Wave coffee shops? Well, I've been to one couple days ago. It can be described as contemporary, urbanistic, cool by some people while others would see it as too minimalistic, not very comfy, and short on food in the menu. While I was about to have a chat with a Canadian friend of mine, I was also very curious what this Relax Cafe Bar on Złota 8a St. was like. There is a nice coffee shop with a similar name (just differently spelled) on Puławska St. However they are different, and I am happy about it. The more great individual local shops, the better, right?
My friend was already drinking his Flat White. I asked barista named Kuba if he had some suggestions on coffee to have. That would usually be a test to see if barista actually cares about his job, coffee and customers in general. I must say, Kuba surprised me. He came up with certain variations on brewing Kenya in an Aeropress just a day before. Of course, I wanted to try! Can't reveal all secrets, but what impressed me was the 94 Celsius water temperature he used for it. I know abou the tendency to go as high as 92-93, but I come across 94 for the first time.
Those might be details, yet they define what you get in the cup. Was it good? Talks on coffee and ways to make it got me so ready to try it and see for myself if I actually like it. You would probably agree with the idea of good service meaning a lot. But when you see passion, you just become a fan. This guy went to a coffee contest, watched colleagues perform in brewing, got his ideas and experimented with those in his coffee shop. Add a smile to that and you have a happy professional making you a cup of delicious coffee.
Making pauses in our conversation to have a sip of coffee I would at times lose the thread cuz Kenya kept taking my mind away. My main concern with preparing Kenya is that it can come out too acidic or sharp. In this case, it was complex in a good way, kinda multilevel and reasonably acidic.
The cafe itself is quite cozy with 4-5 tables inside and few more on the outside, couch seats, art on the walls.  Cookies and panini available as well as popular soda drinks like Fritz Cola and similar.
At some point I found myself buying a pack of Rwanda by Karma roasters (Kraków) after chatting with another barista Michał who joined Kuba at the bar stand. In case I'm short on brewing tools, they have some basic ones also. You know what struck me the most? Third Wave places like Relaks go further than just making you a cup of tasty coffee, they educate you on it (if you want it, of course). I was driving home with new coffee beans, new ideas on brewing, new info about local roasters and simply happy I had a fabulous time!
P.S. Thanks Tim for taking me there and for a great chat!

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