Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sowa desert shops - part 2

100% Arabica does make a difference 

Here is another interesting desert shop in Warsaw. Cukiernia Sowa boasts to be a shop with a story (more here). More than that, they treat coffee well by brewing only Arabica for customers. I suppose that should leave a mark on the taste, for Arabica is known for its better taste.
This shop is a small comfy corner for a short break from running places and completing tasks in a big city. Take a deep breath, sip coffee and finish with a desert. Sounds good? I bet. So what have we got here? Desert shop with coffee. Seems to be a popular concept nowadays, don't you think? I found out that good desert is not to be found in big grocery stores. Small bakeries or desert shops are what you need when looking for sweet stuff. And they indeed stand to the calling. 

Wedding cakes? no problem. Special occasions? This is the place. Want some cakes to go? Stop by and get it. I am not that much of a sweet tooth but occasionally enjoy a piece of a cake here with my family. Sowa similarly to other desert shops is equipped with professional grinders and espresso machines. Is the end result same then? Is coffee also of average taste?
Surprise! Coffee is great! Very slightly bitter as for espresso, thick, rich taste. Pleasant and balanced I would say. The guys who decide which coffee to sell, didn't compromise on the quality and taste. You can tell right away that this coffee is tasty. I was impressed when had my first espresso there. Love, love love! The barista girl was busy with the customers, so I didn't bother her with my questions about coffee origin and the like. Usually baristas in shops like this don't go deep into details anyway. 
Even though Sowa shops are not as numerous as other chains, they are my personal favourite among non Third Wave coffee shops. Simply speaking, they have best espresso among non-specialised places like Blikle, Grycan and even coffee shops like Costa, Nero and the like. You got me as a loyal customer, your espresso is like sunshine on a typical foggy Warsaw day))).

P.S. Some Sowa shops have ice-cream. And it is just radically delicious! Try the strawberry one, it even smells like true strawberries! Vanilla or mango also definitely deserve a bite.

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