Thursday, March 3, 2016

AUCHAN supermarket coffee adventure - part 6

Evening coffee, malt coffee and whatever else you want!

Looks intriguing, doesn't it? And there is more to it, coffee for any time of the day. Such a bold approach requires testing for sure. Usually coffee shops are closed around 8 p.m. Will this coffee help me sleep or keep awake? Is it a decaf kind? Too many questions bombarding my mind right now!

The Wake Up one has coconut, Midday - pear and Afternoon - tiramisu taste. Do you have same associations with the time of the day? Anyway, the idea is really cool. What is left is tasting it sometime soon. 
Auchan offers Marila brand coffee with a happy farmer on it. The bag also reveals how much of Arabica and Robusta is mixed in it. 90/10 is not at all bad. Origin is not a secret too. All this is pointing to a good trend in attitude to coffee in supermarkets. There is more and more info on what we are actually buying and drinking. I guess some call it Third Wave in coffee shops business. It is no longer just coffee, there is so much more to it like country and even farm of origin, type (Arabica or Robusta to put it simple, more on difference between the two here), roast and so on. 
These bags are meant to give you a feel of buying a big bag of coffee from a farmer in Colombia. I've seen it in other shops too. One kilo is too big of a pack for me though. It would turn old before I drink it up. Big family could deal with it in a week.
Delta brand offers some pretty looking packs with pretty faces. And the bag has a shape of a thin body I guess. Anyway, it probably is to give you certain associations or emotions. Whether you would like to look like those women or be as slim as they are or whatever else comes to mind, Delta Coffee Sensations stand out on the shelf. 
What in the world? Malt coffee? Are you familiar with it? All I know is that it is a substitute and probably without caffeine. As a kid I tried chicory several times and that didn't really make me a coffee fan. Yet, then coffee was something quite expensive and rare. I guess it might work for people who just can't have any caffeine or choose not to. 
Ok, I must say Auchan has almost everything possible there. I want to mention these popular filters. They are meant for drip coffee machines and can also be used at home as a cheaper version of filters or ones to start with and experiment with your brewing technics. At least they worked for me when I had no idea about Hario, Chemex and other cool brands.

Auchan is huge and the choice of coffee it offers is also very wide be it instant, decaf, 100% arabica, 3in1, capsules, pods and what not. They only stuff lacking is light roasted specialty coffee. I'm pretty sure it is a question of time now. More and more cool coffee shops open up offering specialty coffee and supermarkets don't want to lag behind.

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