Monday, May 9, 2016

The One and Only?

OMG! Awesome Cafe Alert!

This was a day of improvisation. The only thing planned was having coffee and a good walk was a must. Having 75 parks in Warsaw doesn't make the choice easier. However, on dropping the kid at preschool we decided to check out the park near the big Narodowy Stadium which tourists see for the first time usually from the old town. I did too. 
We went to Francuska Street cuz it just has some charm in the name. I expected something french in that area. Walking this street reminded me of small resort towns with most buildings 2-3 levels only, narrow and cozy streets, little traffic and more pedestrians than cars. Something in the air simply kept putting thoughts of rest into my mind. Actually, there were couple embassies of exotic countries which made that voice even stronger))). Man, it is high time for a vacation!
We kept passing various breakfast options till we stopped by The One. What a brave name to pick for a restaurant! A joke or a challenge? Let's check it out. I must admit I wanted to prove them wrong at first. But what you see in the pics here kept fighting with my suspicious mind.
Kids area is a strong weapon to win parents as customers. The toys were not cheap or damaged. Little house, toy car, lawn mower... all just smelled fresh new. The waiter confirmed they had opened 3 weeks ago!

I know this blog is about coffee, but I wouldn't be fair if I ignored their food. As far as I can judge, it was great. My wife and I were offered only breakfast menu for it was an early hour. We made our orders and totally enjoyed it. Guess which one is mine here))). Eggs, bacon, sausages, mushrooms...I gave in very quickly.
Coffee came as an addition to the food for 1 zł (about 1/4 of a dollar). When it is that cheap, I don't expect it to be great. I thought we would get some usual Lavazza. No, this time it was Hausbrandt. Yet, very similar taste you would get when drinking a non-specialty coffee. So, to be safe I asked for americano with milk and my pretty date got her cappuccino. And added sugar. It was alright, but not something I would enjoy every sip of, you know. That's why we continued with tea. And it turned out much better and, by the way, in very cool cups! First try to use it wasn't very successful))). However, the waiter was really nice to show us the trick. The great thing about the cup is that you can get the tea leaves from water easily and enjoy your drink while it doesn't get too bitter or strong. Find it on or click on the image below. I already want a set of these!
I can go on talking about The One for hours. Instead, I will go there again for lunch and supper. Yes, I don't have high hopes for coffee anymore, but I found my perfect place to relax, enjoy the food and great service, look at a tall willow tree and think about stuff. Might be THE one for me till I find something even better. 
P.S. Perfect place for a date)
P.P.S. The grill is already on the menu

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