
Hey, I'm Oleg. Here you are gonna read about a guy who found himself in a new country with a couple bags of luggage, a family to provide for and... a coffee set. These are going to be stories about coffee more than anything else. Around age of 30 I realised that coffee moved through my scale of favorites from somewhere "-10" to absolute number ONE.
Born in the USSR, brought up with just several drink options mostly like black tea, water or just drink from dry fruit, 20 something years later I ended up meeting a girl who loved cappuccino and began converting me into the coffee world. Before that as a kid I remember just one place in town where true coffee from real beans was served. I couldn't get what was so special about the drink that people would come for it to just this one shop down town. It wasn't actually a coffee shop at all the way we see it nowadays. But my mom loved to stop by and brought me with her. Yet, at that age I wasn't allowed to even try it, so what's the use of going? Maybe something influenced my young naive mind on subconscious level then, who knows.
Time went by. Now I'd find myself among those who really care what they drink on a daily basis and somehow not that much what they eat. Weird? Maybe. Come with me and let's experience coffee and Poland. Both being quite an adventure!
Want to go check out a coffee shop together or get a review on a certain coffee, let me know to olegnesvirskyy@gmail.com or message me in social networks. Details on Contact Me page.

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