Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Is your Karma good?

Club Atmosphere

Busy, popular, good location, cozy... These would be the right words about Karma cafe on Plac Zbawicziela in Warsaw, Poland. You know, first time I walked through this square I was impressed by how beautiful it is. It has a circle shape, a wonderful church building, several cafes around and just this special atmosphere of peace. It feels like time has stopped there. Mostly young guys and girls are chatting over a drink, some rest in simple outside chairs, cars and trams keep passing by. Perfect spot for meditation. 
This particular weekend was different though. I couldn't park close cuz all the streets leading to the square were blocked by police. I could tell some event was happening there. I walked one block and began hearing music. Hm, maybe a concert? I finally saw a crowd with signs and lemonade in their hands. It was some kind of a protest against a new bill politicians were about to implement. It could ruin the atmosphere of peace I was looking for. Yet, I took the free lemonade anyway:).
It seemed sitting outside wouldn't have much sense so I went inside and took my place in a line at the bar stand. Wow, baristas seemed very busy, even too much. I kinda felt guilty taking their time. No, I actually didn't. But it did give me a feeling this place was really popular with people. Orders kept coming without a pause. 

The Probat roaster 'sits on a throne' in the very center of the room. There are bags with green coffee and special buckets with the beans already roasted. I saw some equipment for the drip coffee so went for it asking to give me Rwanda and a croissant. They had both automatic and hand drip option, and I guess barista gave me the automatically brewed one, cuz it wasn't really that good. I must say I did expect much more in a coffee shop with a roster inside. The coffee was kinda plain and not acidic. Neither was it fruity or flowery, whatever you call it. I could definitely sense it just didn't turn out well. I know that taste for I often do something wrong myself at home and then coffee is not very drinkable :). So this time I will skip buying a pack of roasted beans. Maybe next time.

On the other side, you can tell I am enjoying my time there. Love those comfy couches, wooden chairs, pillows on what is actually a stage for music performances! And I am actually not the only one having a good time. Opposite to me sat a young couple who complemented their coffee with white wine. Near the window a blond girl had her cocktail and made some notes. On the other side of the room a mother with a tiny little baby was taking her chance to have a break from all those duties moms go through while the little one was sleeping. Another couple came with a black dog, which was craving my croissant but this time (unlike Relaks on PuĊ‚awska) I was lucky enough to have the pleasure of eating it to the end. 

Magazines and newspapers of all kinds are a way of keeping you in there for long. Lights on the ceiling tell me that at night there must be some concerts. It is now on my list when my little son grows up and I finally can go out with my lady late at night:).
Drawings on the walls make a gallery of works by Dominik Narowski. I bet many would appreciate that art. Some fun and clever stuff in those. Those pieces have price tags in case you like it and want to take it with you. 
My time in Karma was a real treat. I found a quiet and at the same time busy place. I took a break from the huge volumes of information hitting us every day at work and through gadgets. I assume everybody who was there find their own reason to spend couple zloty on coffee, drinks or food. Even though coffee wasn't a success, I have a strong feeling it might next time. Give it a shot.